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The Top 25 Hiring Intelligence Leaders You Should Know

Staying competitive in this talent market requires balancing a competing list of priorities: Talent leaders are expected to hire faster, save money, all while securing higher quality employees who produce more and stay longer.

So, do everything, basically. And better.

It’s no easy task. For most, even coming close feels unattainable.

According to Deloitte, “over 83% of companies are under-equipped to identify problem areas and potential solutions to their recruiting problems.”  Simply put, even some of the smartest organizations are struggling to use data and insights to make better hiring decisions. 

The processes and tools of yesterday just don’t cut it. Many talent leaders are tied to tech and reporting that offer basic recruiting data and reports, forcing them to remain reactive and operational. 

Hiring decisions are isolated from bottom-line results produced downstream. Quality of Hire is born out of luck: unpredictable and rare. 

A truly strategic talent leader, on the other hand, who is able to harness that elusive Holy Grail otherwise known as predictable Quality of Hire, uses Hiring Intelligence to connect hiring decisions to post-hire performance. 

Hiring Intelligence is the use of data and analytics to
continuously inform and optimize the entire hiring process.

The data-driven talent analytics cycle feeds itself: data is tied to results, producing ongoing insights, leading to continuous optimization of the hiring process. This is how to win.

After years of working closely with talent leaders across the globe, we are excited to introduce you to our list:

The top 25 forward-thinking Hiring Intelligence leaders you should watch


These champion leaders are innovative, agile and data-driven, using Hiring Intelligence to hire more efficiently, improving Quality of Hire, and driving higher business ROI.

  • Increasing talent acquisition efficiency and productivity
  • Harnessing hiring insights that drive better business outcomes
  • Optimizing hiring processes to increase Quality of Hire 

How are you using data to improve your hiring processes?

Our advice is to learn from and emulate the success of these top 25. Follow them on LinkedIn, listen to their podcasts or read their articles, see them speak or reach out to connect. Ask questions like:

  • How are you using data to improve your hiring process? 
  • What are you focusing on the most in 2023 when it comes to Hiring Intelligence and QoH? 
  • What are you tracking? 
  • What/how do you report to your board?
  • What are your favorite HR/talent tools? 

Please join us in congratulating these top 25 trailblazers and thank them for paving the way to hiring success.  These are the leaders to watch for inspiration on how to truly put the intelligence in hiring. 


Ella Washington

 Ella Washington

Katie Purcell

Katie Purcell


Jo Avent

Jo Avent

Kyle Lagunas

Kyle Lagunas

Whitney Bryant

Whitney Bryant

Parijat Tanna Talkad

Parijat Tana

Anita Chandrasekhar

Anita Chandrasekhar

Courtney Bardo

Courtney Bardo

Lilly Lagod

Lilly Sheahan

Levi Barbosa

Levi Barbosa

Mary Beth Brown

Mary Beth Brown

Kim Sneeder

Kim Sneeder

Andrew Gadomski

Andrew Gadomski

Gerry Crispin

Gerry Crispin

Anna Tavis

Anna Tavis

Steve Browne

Steve Browne

Tasha Liniger

Tasha Liniger

William Tincup

William Tincup

Kate Caulfield

13 Kate Caulfield

Tim Sackett

Tim Sackett

Colin Buresh

Colin Buresh

Paul Lucero

Paul Lucero

Tracie Sponenberg

Tracie Sponenberg

Erika Coleman

Erika Coleman

Steve Levy

Steve Levy

Kris Dunn

Kris Dunn



Take The Guesswork Out of Hiring

If you're seeking to improve your talent acquisition analytics capabilities and have been waiting for a robust end-to-end Hiring Intelligence solution, look no further.

Join hundreds of other companies like Pinterest, Deloitte, WPP, Allegis and Hubspot who trust Crosschq to improve their Quality of Hire, drive team collaboration and optimize the entire hiring process. 

By combining AI, advanced listening, and predictive analytics, we connect millions of data points across the hiring lifecycle, delivering outcome-based intelligence and insights that drive business ROI. 

Meet Crosschq -- Your new operating system for Hiring Intelligence.


Katie Kennedy

by Katie Kennedy

Talent Consulting Lead

Take the Guesswork
Out of Hiring

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