Using Interview Scores and Effectiveness To Predict Quality of Hire

Choosing the right candidates is crucial for every business, but according to Crosschq data, interviews aren't the best indicator of Quality of Hire. See why and hiring alternatives.

Crosschq Analytics

Quality of Hire

TalentWall™ by Crosschq


3 Things You Didn't Know About Quality Of Hire

Quality of Hire can become a powerful tool for taking your workforce to the next level. See three things you didn’t know about Quality of Hire that helps with recruiting and retention.

Quality of Hire

Pre-Hire Assessments Don’t Always Assess Quality of Hire Accurately

See a list of types of pre-hire assessments defined, where candidate drop-offs occur, how they relate to Quality of Hire, and alternatives that work.

Quality of Hire

Pre-hire Assessment

Unlocking the Mystery around Quality of Hire

Quality of Hire is a mystery metric to many. See the basics on how to define Quality of Hire, and its benefits leading directly to positive business outcomes.

Quality of Hire

5 Reasons Why Quality of Hire Is SO Important

Quality of Hire has become the priority for recruitment professionals in every industry. Understanding 5 reasons why QoH is so important can help you make better hiring decisions.

Quality of Hire

How High Does Your Candidate Experience Score?

Quiz. Your organization’s candidate experience can be the biggest predictor of how easy or hard it is for you to hire top talent. How does your company measure up?

Quality of Hire


Candidate Experience

Why New Hires Leave: The Importance of Quality of Hire in Recruitment

Replacing a new hire is expensive, but the cost of keeping a bad hire around can be even higher. See how Quality of Hire helps with employee retention.

Talent Acquisition

Quality of Hire


How Internal Referrals for Candidate Sourcing Can Tank Quality of Hire

Quality of Hire for internal referrals was 26% below the industry mean according to a recent study by Crosschq Data Labs. See why it's not the best source for hiring.

Quality of Hire