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How To Do Online Hiring Assessment the Right Way

Eighty-two percent of companies admit to using candidate assessment to narrow down their applicant pool. As it stands today, more and more companies are embracing online assessments. That’s because those assessments give you a wider reach, are more convenient, and provide a better candidate experience. 

To know more about online hiring assessment and best practices to stay on top, read on. 

What Is an Online Hiring Assessment?

An online hiring assessment involves administering various hiring tests via online platforms. Recruiters and hiring managers use the results of the tests to determine a candidate's suitability for the role. The tests also provide insights into whether the candidate is a good match with the organization, as well as the role,  and their potential to grow. 

The tests range from personality, hard and soft skills, and cognitive reasoning tests, among others. Not all online assessment tools for hiring will be suitable for your organization, so it's best to choose the most relevant ones. Also, each role may require a different set of tests. 

Assessment tests should be used for screening the most appropriate candidates. This way, you do not put a lot of resources into interviewing those who are not best matched for the role. However, it should never be used as an elimination or selection tool. 

Check Out Why to Start Investing in Candidate Quality Measurements

How Does the Online Hiring Assessment Work?

Online hiring assessment tests questions are set depending on the skill that is to be tested. You can test hard skills like editing, programming, or marketing. Or you can also test soft skills such as personality and behavioral traits. 

Hard skills test the ability of a candidate to perform the role, while soft skills test how well a candidate will fit into the workplace. 

The candidates' answers will help you determine if they proceed to the next round of the hiring process. The tests also provide information on where successful candidates need to improve. Hence, they can be a basis for the company's training program. 

It is possible to cheat on an online professional hiring assessment, but it is easy to prevent it with the right technology. Ensure that you have the right assessment tools to curb this behavior. But even with the best assessment tools, a tiny percentage may still manage to cheat. It is very easy to spot them during consecutive interviews.

See the best candidate assessment tools and how to use them well

Online Hiring Assessment Best Practices To Stay On Top

While online hiring assessment tests are valuable to an organization, they can also result in a high candidate drop-off rate if they are done wrong. The main aim is to sift through numerous applications in a quick, efficient, and unbiased manner. But if the tests are lengthy and full of irrelevant questions, most of your potential candidates will never complete the test.

You must get the assessment test right since the competition for the right candidate is very high. Since the employment rate is low, candidates have plenty of choices and will move on quickly to your competitors. 

The following best practices will help your company stay on top of the online hiring test space.

1. Know what the hiring test entails 

Ensure the relevant leaders such as talent acquisition and hiring managers are involved in designing the online assessment test. Also, software like Crosschq 360 can help you by providing the necessary data you need to help you make more informed hiring decisions that are backed by data. Included are job-based surveys, integrated self-reference, and coaching and growth opportunities to provide you a full-360 view of your candidates. 

2. Go for the right length 

If your test takes too long, you will lose quality candidates. As such, go for the right length, not too long or too short. This way, you ensure you get valuable information without losing candidates. 

3. Leverage hiring technology 

Online testing saves the company and candidate a lot of time by scoring the results in real-time. In addition, the results are stored digitally, making them easy to retrieve during the interview. Finally, adding the element of technology to the process makes for a richer candidate experience. 

Improve your online hiring assessment by using Crosschq to ensure all your content is relevant to the needs of your organization. To learn more about how Crosschq can streamline your recruitment cycle, schedule a demo


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Debra Carney

by Debra Carney

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