Mark Ko

Content Writer

Leadership Skills Assessment

A leadership skills assessment is a test that evaluates the myriad of skills (mostly soft) that make up a great leader. While you can use a combination of soft skills and hard skills assessments, leadership skills assessments usually include questions that gauge a candidate’s capability of leading employees through real-life scenario responses and other leadership questions. 

Quality of Hire

How to Conduct a Skill Survey During Recruiting?

Learn how to conduct a skill survey during the recruitment assessment and hiring process for your company.

Reference Check

Sales Manager Skills

Sales manager skills are the capabilities and experiences required to excel as a sales manager. Unlike sales associate positions, sales managers need the leadership and organizational skills to train and manage a team of sales professionals.

Candidate Assessments

New Hire Recruiting Survey

A new hire recruiting survey is a questionnaire that organizations use in order to gauge employee engagement and needs during the initial onboarding period.

Candidate Experience

Reference Check Questions for Leadership Positions

Although reference checks aren’t everything, they’re a valuable aspect of a holistic and optimized recruiting process, allowing you to verify skills, experiences, and work history. 

Reference Check

Reference Check Questions for Startup Positions

With fewer team members, limited resources, and a smaller margin of error, startups have more pressure to land quality on the first try.

Reference Check

Recruiting Intelligence

Team leaders and recruiters have access to more hiring tools, software, and analytics than ever before–digital reference checks, customizable CRM+ATS platforms, hiring automation, talent sourcing, and much more.

Hiring Intelligence

Skills Assessment Test

Skills assessment tests refer to a broad set of tests designed to evaluate the experiences, knowledge, soft skills, hard skills, personality types, and other essential candidate metrics.